Watching the Room at the Orpheum


9:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)


Trip Leaders

Margot Mason
Margot Mason
Margot Mason

Have you ever thought that the clubs focus on organizing trips doing the kind of adventurous, physically demanding outdoor activities for which the club is intended comes at a cost of you viewing cinematic masterpieces such as the seminal 2003 film “The Room”, with large groups of friends? Well, those concerns can be dispelled, because instead of using the rope skills, first aid and leadership with which the club has invested significant resources into me gaining to run a climbing or canyoning trip, I’ve decided that what people really want is to put on their fancy dress and throw spoons at the big screen. So, join me on Friday the 5th of April to attend the monthly screening of the cult classic “The Room”. If you haven’t heard of it, the wiki page on it has a quote describing it as “the Citizen Cane of bad movies”, and has thus gained a cult following. The Hayden Orpheum in Neutral Bay has screenings on the first Friday of every month and people dress up in formal wear, get raucous, shout along and throw plastic spoons at the screen. This isn’t numbers limited like a typical club event, just buy your own ticket here The Room – An Orpheum Exclusive Event | Orpheum Cinema but, if you also sign up here to this trip I’ll make a group chat of people attending to organize lifts/activities beforehand/anything else. Buy tickets folks it’ll be super fun, keen to have heaps of you there!


  • Emily Dowling
  • Rohit Johnson
  • Daniel Gilbert
  • Georgie Clare
  • Tsz Hei Kwok
  • Leo Lovesy
  • Katie Wilson
  • Jayden Maisel
  • Ryan Van Dyk
  • Margot Mason
