Hey Everyone!
This Thursday at the Ledge Gabriel and I (Amelia) will be running a sport climbing basics training workshop. This session will be aimed primarily at those looking to transition from indoor climbing to outdoor self-sufficiency. Outdoors experience is not required to attend.
Some of the skills we’re aiming to cover include lead belaying, clipping, falling, cleaning anchors, and other helpful tips and tricks. We acknowledge that it will be difficult to cover everything required for you to go outside and start climbing by yourself, but hopefully, this can be a good step in the right direction.
Please only sign up if you’re already quite comfortable top rope climbing and belaying indoors and/or outdoors. Note that this is NOT a learn to climb session!
Bring along whatever relevant gear you currently own, the rest will be provided by us. In the comments let me know your current experience level, what gear you have and what you’d be looking to get out of this training.
There is limited capacity for this training class so please only sign up if you know you can make it.
Gabriel crushing it at Bardens on Way of All Flesh
These articles cover most of the theory we’ll go over on Thursday, reading them before will help you understand the concepts on the day.
- Lead climbing
- Lead belaying
- Belaying with a GriGri
- Cleaning sport routes
- Club document on lead climbing
See you there!
(Thanks Mali for the template)
- Amelia Vasiliou
- Campbell Jones
- Gabriel Dickinson
- Quentin Com
- Nathan Webb
- Joshua Cornelius
- Emmet McGlade
- Jamison Airs
- zack hossain
- Oscar Leo