Navigation Workshop at The Ledge


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Alfie Jones

Hey everyone!

Have you ever got lost while bushwalking or while on the approach to the crag or canyon? Want to get into the sport of orienteering? Then come along to the nav workshop at the ledge to learn the basics of trying not to get lost!

We will try to cover the following techniques in the time we have:

General Navigation

Basics of a compass

Basics of a map

Magnetic declination

Orientation of map

Back bearings



Orienteering Specifics

Attack points

Catching features


Aiming off



There will also be a orienteering activity the follow weekend for you to utilise the skills you’ve learnt.


Bring along a compass (might be able to borrow from gear cupboard) , roamer (if you have one), some string and any questions you have! Also let me know why you want to learn navigation in the comments.


See you there



  • Katie Wilson
  • Linna He
  • Alfie Jones
  • Elise Lee
  • Zara Smith
  • Flora Pong
  • Yu Jing Chiou
  • Erica Longhurst
