Multi-pitching trip

Multi-pitching trip


All Day


Bookings closed

Trip Leaders

Mira Jordan


Nic and I will be leading a trip on Sunday to introduce you to the world of multipitch climbing. This is your chance to experience abseiling, climbing with exposure and all the faff that surrounds longer routes.

You must have some experience with climbing to come on this trip. Skills you must have:

– Confidently lead belaying

– Confidently seconding 18/19 (ideally have climbed outside before)

– Comfortable abseiling (although we can go through it again)

You will also get more out of the trip if you have interest in learning about trad gear, anchor systems and top belaying.

Location: The iconic Narrow Neck

We will start the day at 9:30 on Sunday morning in the Blue Mountains and be there until nightfall. We can arrange carpooling from Sydney but if you are travelling by public transport, we can arrange to pick you up from the train station.

Please include in the comments: your climbing experience, your favourite route that you’ve climbed and whether you are able to drive.

  • Gear required: harness, safety, helmet, climbing shoes, ATC guide (suitable for top belay) + carabiners (if you have your own make sure you bring it!!!), (optional: climbing tape or crack gloves to protect your hands)

Any personal gear that you require must be collected independently from the gear cupboard at UNSW on the regular gear night.

  • What to bring: sunscreen, 2L water (minimum!), food for the day, a warm jacket, rain jacket, a day backpack to fit all your stuff inside, smiles, etc.

Please be aware that as the weather is unpredictable, trip leaders may need to alter trips accordingly. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on FB (Mira Bug).

See you there,



P.S. thanks for letting me steal your trip nots Tad


  • Emilie McGuire
  • Linna He
  • Miranda May Jordan
