Bangor West Beginner/Intermediate Climbing 30 Nov 24


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)


Event Type

Trip Leaders

Jemma Hodgson
Caity Donovan


Caity, Hongzhi and myself (Jemma) will be running a beginners sport climbing trip to Bangor West Climbing Crag. (40 mins south west of UNSW)

This trip is for beginner and intermediates, you don’t have to have climbed outdoors at all before, however is it recommended that you have at least done a top rope induction at the ledge :).

Just before you jump right in, make sure your read the whole trip description, there is a question you’ll be asked to answer in the comments to demo that you’ve read all the important info.

UNSWOC folk cruisin’ up some climbs at Bangor West. This could be you!

Trip Key Details:

Date: 30/11/24

Location: Woronora, New South Wales 2232


Parking: Adaluma Ave

Meeting Time: 10am at the Carpark

Departure time: ~ 4pm

Personal gear required,

  • Water – At least 2L CRITICAL
  • Food: lunch, snacks. CRITICAL
  • Helmet*
  • Harness*
  • Belay device and a carabiner*
  • Climbing shoes* (optional but highly recommended)
  • Sunscreen + Sun Appropriate Clothing (HAT)

Items with an asterisk (*) can be borrowed from the gear cupboard. You need to organize rental personal gear yourself via Booqable on the club website.

If you’re keen, check out the climbs on the Crag:

Once you have been approved for the trip, we’ll make a messenger chat and can sort out any gear you may need, and carpooling 🙂

Ah very good, you’ve read the important details and have found the secret question: If you were a plant, what plant do you think you’d be? Provide your answer in the comments when you sign up for the trip. Also let us know your climbing experience and make sure the link to your Facebook profile is either in your account profile or add it to the comment. If you have a car, write how many spare seats you’ll have. Thank you!


Hope to see you all soon! If you are unsure about anything, please message myself (Jemma) or Caity. Keen to crush some climbing yeehaw 🤠


  • Jemma Hodgson
  • Hongzhi Liao
  • Cornellius Putraoscar
  • Lina Cao
  • Amber Xu
  • Nykolas Rekasius
  • mengyu li
  • Yoshiyuki Shimada
  • Zhixi Zhang
  • Caitlin Donovan
