Pool Session #1


6:30 pm - 9:30 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Bennett Frerck


***EVENT FULL: Last spot is to act as a waiting list should we have any drop outs***


That’s right. They’re back. The fabled UNSWOC Kayak Pool Sessions!


For those new to pool sessions, this is the place to be to learn the fundamentals of paddling, specifically rolling a whitewater kayak.


If you’ve ever wanted to kayak down waterfalls, paddle Australia’s stunning whitewater rivers, or just give a new sport a try then these sessions are for you. These sessions usually fill up super fast so make sure to sign up quick, and let me know why you’re keen to come along in your comment!


These are beginner training sessions to teach you the fundamentals of rolling a whitewater kayak as well as other basic skills. Rolling is a crucial skill in whitewater rapids to get you upright in the event you flip over while paddling. With these skills you’ll be able to attend the club’s awesome whitewater kayaking trips. Everything from trips to the Olympic training facility in Penrith to the Snowy River Extreme Race in the Snowy Mountains.



  • Friday 25th of June
  • Meet at the gear cupboard at 6:30pm (Sam Cracknell Pavilion, ground floor village green side)
  • We will carry the gear over to the pool for a 7pm start in the water
  • Out of the water by 9:30pm and then carry gear back to the gear cupboard


What to bring:

  • Swimmers
  • Towel
  • $5 cash for subsidised pool entry costs
  • Goggles (optional)
  • Noseplug (optional)


If you miss out on signup this time there will be more pool sessions throughout the term. If you have any questions feel free to message me (Bennett Frerck).


Let me know why you’re keen to come along and if you have any prior kayaking experience in the signup comment. People with a comment are always more likely to find a spot


***EVENT FULL: Last spot is to act as a waiting list should we have any drop outs***


  • Bennett Frerck
  • Sahara Hollaway
  • Zenon (Zee) Platritis
  • Cindy Li
  • Bhavik Lodhia
  • Rebekah Rae
  • Nadav Cohen
  • Keira McLoskey
  • Scott Koppelhuber
