2017 contained the three categories from last year: Action, Nature, Club Card.
Along with well two new categories: Anchors (showcasing the funniest anchor setup) and Beanie (self-explanatory :D)

Click on any of the photos to view them bigger, and links to the full competition are at the bottom.


#2 by Julie Pon: Menindee Lakes. This picture uses two different photos merged to show the passage of time from dusk to dawn
#3 by Mac LR: Gazing at dhaulagiri (8,167m), Nepal


Winner by Kate Stone: Vicky Chen on 'ruthless babe' (23) at Blue Bell
#2 by Brendan O’Rourke: The Fusion Dance, Kosciuszko National Park with Alice Tsang and Julie Pon.
#3 by Rene Provis: Vicky sending TDM, Wolgan

Club Card

Winner by Brendan O’Rourke: The Epic Warrumbungles with Julie Pon
#2 by Luke Robbins: Jason packrafting the San Rafael lagoon
#3 by Aidan Cameron: That one time on Trip Leaders Boree Log… “Let’s put some fuel on the fire…”





Links to full competition:

Nature: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10155249725893635&type=3
Action: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10155249725393635&type=3
Club Card: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10155249722078635&type=3

  1. If you know the photographer of any of the uncredited photos, please contact the webadmin! ↩︎