Trad Climbing At Piddo


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Stephen Roche

Abi and I (Stephen) will lead be leading a trad climbing trip on Sunday to Mt Piddington

The climbs are mostly crack and will generally be in the mid to upper teens, to get full value it would be best if you’ve done some climbing before, but don’t worry we all start somewhere!

Forecast is for cold weather, so warm clothing is a must. Layers will be good so you can take something off while you climb.

If you’re keen tell me your outdoor experience in the comments, we also need one more driver so mention if you’ve got a car and are able to drive. If you’ve got any questions feel free to message me or Abi on facebook.

You will need:

  1. *Helmet
  2. *Harness
  3. *Belay device + Locking Carabiner
  4. *Climbing Shoes
  5. Food + water (at least 1.5L!!)
  6. Backpack to carry the above
  8. petrol money for you driver
  9. good vibes

*These items can be borrowed from the club on gear night (Wed 4:30-5 and Thu 4-5 this week).

Cheers to Henry for the event template.


  • Stephen Roche
  • Abi Prakash
  • Prajeet Thakore
  • Cameron Harkins
  • Ava Del Tufo
  • Alina Fomichova
  • Thomas Jones
  • Jake Delaney
  • Mark Hogg
