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Trip Leaders

Gabriel Dickinson
Amelia V

**Intermediate Sport Climbing Trip SUNDAY Boree LOG**

Hi everyone, Amelia V , Myself (Gabriel) and TLIT Bennet will be running an intermediate sport climbing trip to Upper Shipley, Blackheath.

This trip is aimed for people who have are either transitioning, or compitant in lead climbing. The aim of the day is to further develope lead climbing skills, look at advanced lead belaying techniques, how to safely take a lead fall, and general lead climbing projecting tips and tricks.

Remember to answer the hidden question in your comment!


“You need to be approved for the main Boree Log event to attend these trips. Please sign up for only ONE trip per day. If you get rejected you can then sign up for another trip, this just makes it easier for volunteer trip leaders. Please be aware that as the weather is unpredictable, trip leaders may need to alter trips accordingly”


Details for the trip

  • Location
    • Upper Shipley – Walls Ledge Track, Blackheath NSW 2785
  • Time
    • TBC (after group packup and campsite is clean)
  • Wet Weather Plan
    • Climbing at an indoor gym on the way back to sydney
  • Difficultuy
    • The grades vary at the crag, starting from grade 17, all the way up to NAILS. Just a P.S, climbing lead is alot harder than top rope. Therefore your max grade may be a few grades lower on lead compared to indoors or outdoors top rope. Please be mindful of this before signing up.


What to bring / What you need – (****) means must have!

  • Harness ***
  • Atc + locking beiner (or Gri Gri and Lo. beiner) ****
  • Helmet ****
  • Sling + locking beiner (personal saftey) ****
  • Prusic (optional but recomended)
  • Climbing shoes (COMFORTABLE)
  • Atleast 2L of water ****
  • A backpack (with lunch, snacks and personal items) ****
  • Appropriate Clothing (MUST BRING A HAT, the crag can be very sunny) *****

This gear can be organised on the day / night before at boree log, but if you have personal gear, (eg rope, quickdrawers etc..) it is highly encoraged that you use that, as gear can be scarse on the day.


Important information!

In the comments below, please let me know your climbing experience, (I wont judge I prommise), if youll have a car, how many spaces it has, and what your opinoin is on ‘socks with climbing shoes’.

Super keen to see you all there! Bring your best “send” attatude!

-Gabriel, Amelia V and TLIT Bennet.

p.p.s please ignore the spelling errors.


  • Oscar Leo
  • Ian Li
  • flynn cawood
  • Hu Zhiheng
  • Riley Callan
  • Joshua Cornelius
  • Bennett Frerck
  • Amelia Vasiliou
  • Gabriel Dickinson
  • Yuang Tan
  • Arthur Bramwell
  • Omalina Wolfe
  • Theo Krijnse Locker
