Sunday BL – beginner climbing at Mt York


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Ash Brennan

On the Sunday of Boree Log James and I are going to be leading a chilled out climbing trip to Mt York. It’s a great area and it’ll be a good recovery trip after party night. This is a beginner trip so you don’t need to have any experience to come along. Even if you’ve only been to the climbing gym a couple of times Mt York will be well worth your while.

Climbing gear can be borrowed from the club on the Sunday morning, but if you have personal gear make sure you bring it so we can be sure that there’ll be enough for all the trips going out. Necessary gear that you can get from the club is: Harness, helmet, belay device with locking carabiner. Chalk and climbing shoes are also a good idea.

Also make sure you bring:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Comfortable shoes to walk in
  • Pack to put things in
  • Jacket/warm clothing in case it gets cold
  • sunscreen

Image result for mt york

You must be approved for Boree Log to attend this trip!


  • Alice Hu
  • Siddharth Doshi
  • Kevin Jung
  • Mark Yap
