SATURDAY Multi-pitch Sport Climbing at Heathcliff (Intermediate) 5/9/24


All Day


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Event Type

Trip Leaders

Amelia Kaag
Gabriel Dickinson

Hey everyone,

Next weekend (Saturday 5th October), Gabriel and I will be taking a small group (4) to Heathcliff crag in the Blue Mountains to jump on a couple of multi-pitch sport climbs.

While you do not have to have done a multi-pitch before, this will be an intermediate trip as you are expected to be competent with:

  • Lead climbing and belaying
  • Cleaning and basic abseiling skills
  • Be comfortable leading grades 18-20 sport

The most beginner friendly routes here are Boadicea (2 pitch 70m grade 18), The Rift (3 pitch 55m grade 19) and A Bit Like the Grose (3 pitch 60m grade 20), along with some harder multis too and a range of single pitch climbs to hang out on afterwards. You can check out the crag page here.

This will be an all day event and we will carpool from Sydney early on Saturday morning, so please let us know in the comment if you have a car and where you will leave from. Note this is another weather dependent trip of course but fingers crossed for a dry day.

You will need to bring the following:

  • Climbing harness*
  • Climbing helmet*
  • Belay device (eg ATC guide) + two locking carabiners*
  • Safety sling + locking carabiner*
  • 2 prusiks*
  • Climbing shoes* (COMFORTABLE – i.e. not your aggressive indoor bouldering shoes, you’ll be standing in them all day)
  • Gear for anchor* (eg 120cm sling and two locking carabiners)
  • 2L of water
  • Lunch, snacks
  • Medication, if needed
  • Headtorch + spare batteries
  • A small backpack (assume you’ll need to climb with all your belongings, including your approach shoes)
  • Wind breaker or jumper (it can get very windy)
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses etc.

Items marked *  can be borrowed from the Gear Cupboard open Thursdays 5-6pm

If you are keen to sign up, please include in your comment your climbing/ multi experience (VERY IMPORTANT) – include frequency and rough sport grades, and any rope skills experience (abseiling, ascending etc.). Also let us know if you have a car and include a link to your Facebook profile or a phone number in case we have more questions for you…

Please be aware that we can only take roughly 4 people on this trip (could change depending on the experience of group). Sign ups will open on Thursday 26th (tomorrow) at 8am just to give everyone a chance to see this trip post first.

We will also be running a skills night at The Ledge Climbing Center, around 5:30pm on the thursday before (3rd), to practise multi pitch anchors, top belays and other skills. Please indicate if you can make this in the description. Not Mandatory but highly recommended. 

Get keen!

Amelia K and Gabriel


  • Gabriel Dickinson
  • Amelia Kaag
  • Hongzhi Liao
  • Keith Perry
  • Jemma Hodgson
  • Gina Browning
  • Marley Shaw-McHenry
  • Tsz Hei Kwok
