Saturday BL – Beginner Climbing – Diesel Wall


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Tadeh Karapetian

You must be attending and approved for the Boree Log main event to sign up for this trip.
Saturday Boree Log – Beginner Climbing Trip to Diesel Wall (Bung Crag)
Scott and I (Tadeh) will be leading a beginner friendly climbing trip to Diesel Wall at Bung Crag. Diesel Wall has plenty of climbs graded from 13 to 19. For more info, have a look here:

The plan is to meet directly at the crag carpark as Scott and I will be driving up from Sydney on Saturday morning. There will be a call in the morning to assemble the groups for each trip. We will not be there but we will organise logistics before the weekend anyway. There will be many cars going to the same area. We will most likely park at the left carpark near point D and walk the firetrail to the crag, unless we have 4WD vehicles available.


We will set up top ropes for any beginners that are new to climbing outdoors. No climbing experience is required. If you are an intermediate climber, you´re welcome to do your own thing or we can help you learn how to lead climb. It will be an awesome day out and you will need:

  • Climbing gear: A harness* and a helmet* (* = could be borrowed from the club). Optional but highly recommended: climbing shoes, and maybe a chalk bag. We will supply the carabiners and belay devices (no need to borrow them from the club).
  • For clothing: Sport clothes. It can get quite hot or quite chilly, so be prepared for both.
  • For sustenance: 2L of water, food or snacks, sweet sweet sugar for the trip leaders.
  • Other gear: Sunscreen, medicines if you need them (asthma puffer, etc).

If you have any questions message Scott or me (Tad Karapetian) on facebook. Write down YOUR EXPERIENCE in the comments, what gear you have, whether you have A CAR (and the model) and your favourite famous athlete.


  • Scott Koppelhuber
  • Joanne Luo
  • Tadeh Karapetian
  • Peter Slattery
  • Katja Bye
  • Lucas Heinry
