So… remote area first aid course on 28/29th July. Full days both Sat and Sun PLUS an online component to be completed beforehand. Venue TBA
Qualifications: You need to have a pre-existing ‘Provide First Aid’ cert to get the ‘Remote Area First Aid’ qualification, but if you don’t care about the cert then it’s all good 🙂
Training is done by AllAid First Aid ( U Syd has apparently done a course with them and recommended it 🙂
Sign up to the trip*, then depending on who signs up, we’ll approve the spots for 16 and message you to ask you to pay the deposit to secure your spot.
In terms of who gets spots, preference goes to:
1. Active trip leaders (on the calendar)/those actively involved in training trip leaders/exec actively involved in organizing it
2. People who have contributed lots to the club in the past, and future trip-leaders-in-training (including those who have started to co-lead this sem)
Within those categories it’ll mostly be first come first serve (unless there’s a trip leader that ticks both categories 1 and 2 – i.e. either currently active + has already given a lot, or currently active + likely to continue to be super involved in the future).
Hope that’s all ok!
There’s an exec meeting on Tuesday evening, so it won’t just be me deciding who fits into what category dw 😉
- Maria LC
- Miranda May Jordan
- Kier An
- Isabella Lowe
- Stefanie Tenberg
- Ben Wilkinson
- Hayden Lobry
- Tadeh Karapetian
- Abi Prakash
- Vicky Chen
- Henry Burt
- Mackenzie Labine-Romain
- Eamonn Colley
- Ash Brennan
- David Temesvary
- Sid Tinney
- Manon Nyssen