Paddy Pallin Rogaine – 19th June 2022


All Day


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Jenny Stansby

Did someone say Rogaine!?

For those who participated in the relatively recent UNSWOC pubgaine, this is similar, just substitute the city for bush, the pubs for features on a map and the beer for an electronic tag.

Rogaine events are the perfect opportunity to put your navigation to the test and the 6hr Paddy Pallin events are particularly beginner friendly 🙂 The 2022 Paddy Pallin Rogain will be taking place in the Bargo State Conservation Area, just 1:45 hrs SW of UNSW. More details about rogaining and the event can be found at this link.

The purpose of creating an UNSWOC of the event is to try and encourage as many UNSWOCer’s to get involved as possible! It means we can help club members find a team and perhaps even have some friendly intra-club competition 😉

Sign up to this event if you’re keen and I’ll figure out the teams from there. Once the teams have be sorted, you’ll be responsible for signing up to the official event. To cover the costs of running the rogaine, there is an entry fee of $60 for adults or $40 if you’re a full time student.

Please put in the comments whether you have a car and are able to offer lifts and also whether there’s anyone in particular you would like to be in a team with. Any questions, send me (Jenny Stansby) a message on facebook 🙂

Note: sign ups will close on Friday 10th June to allow time to sort out teams and to sign up to the official event.

Start of the Paddy Pallin 2019 Rogaine.



  • Nadav Cohen
  • Linna He
  • Stephen Roche
  • Cindy Li
  • Christian Christiansen
  • Juri Hemmi
  • Alfie Jones
  • Olivia Hilton
  • Jenny Stansby
  • Jayden Maisel
