Narrabeen Saturday Begginer Sport Climbing 20/4/24 FULL


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)


Event Type

Trip Leaders

Gabriel Dickinson
Jemma H

Hi all! Jemma and I (Gabriel) will be running a Sport Climbing trip to Narrabeen this SATURDAY!


We can take a maximum of 8 participants, and it’s first in, first served.


In the comments, please indicate any gear you will need, or have a car, as well as your favourite fruit, and why it is better than the rest.


We will work out carpooling/transporting in the group chat that you will be added to when approved.


Trip Key Details:

Date: Saturday – 24th/Feb/2024

Meeting Location: TBC Exact location, but its Narrabeen NSW. (Northen beaches ish)

Meeting Time: 10am

Departure time, Approx. 4pm


Gear Required,

  • Water – At least 1L CRITICAL
  • Food: lunch, snacks. CRITICAL
  • Helmet*
  • Harness*
  • Belay device and a carabiner*
  • Climbing shoes* (optional but highly recommended)
  • Sunscreen + Sun Appropriate Clothing (HAT)


Items with an asterisk (*) can be borrowed from the gear cupboard.

Once you have been approved for the trip, we can sort out any gear you may need, and carpooling

SUPRISE QUESTION: If you could have a melon of any shape and size, what shape and size would it be and why? Points for creativity.


-Gabriel and Jemma!





  • Joshua Cornelius
  • Gabriel Dickinson
  • Norton Grey
  • Jemma Hodgson
  • Giorgio Panizzutti
  • navjot wadhwa
  • Nathan Webb
  • Hu Zhiheng
  • Quentin Com
  • Louis Price
