Learn to Prusik!


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Bookings closed

Trip Leaders

Ava Del Tufo

This is the sign up form for the learn to prusik workshop I’ll be running at the ledge! This was meant to run last week but was postponed due to illness.

What is prusiking?! In simple terms we’ll be learning how to ascend and descend a rope using two smaller ropes! But it is also a safety when abseiling and so much more. Essentially it’s an incredibly useful piece of equipment and knowledge that you should definitely have your head wrapped around!

During this session we will:

  • Learn how to make a prusik
  • Learn how to use a prusik to ascend and descend a rope (will probably use this time to have a bit of a competition as well!)
  • If we have time: Looking at using a prusik as a safety when abseiling and passing a knot in the rope

What you’ll need (everything can be borrowed from the gear shed except the shoes):

  • A harness
  • Comfy shoes to prusik in (I use my hiking boots or runners)
  • A long and a short prusik (these can be borrowed from the gear shed but if you’re a budding climber you can also buy them for about $15 all up from climbing anchors, feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about purchasing them)
  • One locking carabiner

We’ll aim to start at 6:30 and then just keep going until everyone feels confident!


  • Catherine Deng
  • Amy Geddes
  • Andres Lombana
  • Zara Smith
  • Sebastian Barrett
  • Ian Li
