On Sunday Stephen and I (Jenny) will be running a learn to multi-pitch climbing trip in the Blue Mountains. This is a great opportunity to learn more about anchors, abseiling and top belaying in a not too exposed environment!
You will need:
- At least 2L water (it will be hot)
- Lunch and snacks
- Sun protection (sunscreen, hat, sunnies)
- Helmet *
- Harness *
- Climbing shoes *
- Belay device with the option to belay in guide mode and locking carabiner *
- Safety sling and locking carabiner *
- Prusik and locking carabiner *
Items with (*) can be borrowed from the gear cupboard between 4-5pm on Thursdays.
If you’re interested please let us know whether you can lead belay/lead climb in the comments as well as your broader climbing level/experience.
Any questions, shoot me a message on Facebook. Looking forward to an educational day out!
- Alix de Caritat de Peruzzis
- Zaahir Ahmed
- Tom Gilmour
- Ben Engel
- Maddi Dunster
- Peta Somerville
- Jenny Stansby
- Stephen Roche
- Samantha Millard