Intermediate Canyoning: Kalang Falls


25/08/2018 - 26/08/2018    
12:00 am


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Sid Tinney

Spring has officially sprung, and what better way to celebrate it than heading out to the stunning  Kanangra-Boyd National Park and exploring Kalang Falls!

This is going to be a big day, with over 500m of exposed abseiling down beside waterfalls with pitches as long as 50m – made more fun by slippery quartzite rock.
Of course, that much descending comes at a cost – in this case, a fairly heinous hike/slide upwards, with some off-track navigation along the aptly named ‘Manslaughter Ridge’

If you’re keen, please message me on facebook with your relevant outdoors experience – abseiling and canyoning experience are an absolute must, as is a steady head for heights. Due to the still-short days in spring, we’ll need to be a fairly small group – places will be very limited, so get in quick!

Transport is still TBA, but it’ll likely be a Friday 24th evening departure, camping/bivying overnight at Kanangra Walls – and returning Sunday 26th, almost certainly via a Blue Mountains crag!


  • Ping Li
  • Ash Brennan
