Cycling to Boree Log: Arses hewn from the finest granite…


18/03/2016 - 20/03/2016    
All Day


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Event Type

Trip Leaders

Samuel Bladwell

Hello all,

It’s boree log, and some of you are probably wondering – how on earth do I get to that campground out at Mt Wilson. Fear not, if you have a bike, I have a very simple, yet efficient solution! RIDE!

The plan is a follows. Catch the train from the city to Mt Victoria Station. Ride from Mt Victoria to Mt Wilson, about 25km. Ride up the bitch of a hill, to harden our butts until they are as strong as forged steel. Crack a beer.

And then we’ll ride back Sunday. Because it is only 25km, it should be less than two hours each way, and if you are feeling lazy on the sunday, you can just head to Bell station, which is an even briefer ride.

I’m going to aim to leave for the mountains before 5pm, so we should be at Mt Wilson before 9pm, if all goes to plan.

For those who don’t want to carry/can’t carry their gear, you can put it in the club trailer in the days before. Make sure you bring some snacks, as riding 25km on an empty stomach can be a bit shit. Also bring water, and a warm jacket.

And finally! Lights, because the last thing we want is for people to get hit!

Sam out!


  • Stefanie Tenberg
  • Samuel Bladwell
