BL Saturday | Canyoning | Cascade Falls

BL Saturday | Canyoning | Cascade Falls


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Brendan Conneely


Come along for a fantastic day of canyoning along the Cascade Falls. Described as a ” short and sweet series of waterfalls” it should be a very fun day sutiable for beginners and intermediate canyoners. Please reach out to Nadav or myself if you have any questions.

Some more info can be found here:Cascade Falls ttps://

MANDATORY EQUIPTMENT YOU MUST TO BRING (or arrange to borrow from club)
-Descender device (ATC, figure 8 or descender of personal choice)
-Wetsuit (Canyons are wet and cold 🙁 )
-Climbing helmet
– Sling and locking Carabiner
-Warm dry layer
-Sturdy shoes to clamber over rocks and hike for several hours (trainers are great)
– 2L water, Lunch and snacks for the day

We’ll be in contact for more details closer to the day 🙂

Please comment in the sign ups, if you have car transport or need a lift, if you have canyoning/abseiling experience, if you need equipment and be sure to let the leaders

Please also be COVID-19 safe when attending any club trips, an abide by the CLub’s COVID-19’s polocies. If you have any symptoms or quesions please let us know.


  • Jack Murray
  • Grant Zeng
  • Margot Mason
  • Zenon (Zee) Platritis
  • Keira McLoskey
  • Brendan Conneely
  • Nadav Cohen
