***edit – event full, please cancel if you change your mind so we can approve someone else***
O-week is here and that means UNSWOC Welcome Night at the LEDGE climbing centre!
Every Thursday the club meets at the LEDGE at USYD for cheap climbing, food and good times. This Thursday is a special one for any new members or people thinking of joining the club. We will be opening up spots for non-members keen to come along. So if you’re thinking of joining the club, have any questions, or just want to meet some of the best people around, this is the place to be.
WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND ADDING A COMMENT ABOUT HOW KEEN YOU ARE AND WHY YOU WANT TO COME ALONG. We will book out and those who put down comments are more likely to be accepted.
- Most people will arrive around 6pm. But feel free to show up earlier or later too
- No prior climbing experience needed. We will have plenty of people there to teach you on the night
- No specialist equipment needed, we will have climbing harnesses for you to borrow when you get there
- Show up by yourself or with friends, there will be plenty of friendly faces there happy to climb with you
- Free entry this week, normally UNSWOC members pay $5, a special rate down from the usual $12 student entry
- Exact details of food to be confirmed. But don’t worry, you will be fed and happy.
- Booking are essential!!! If you are not on the list for this event we can not let you in. Please sign up below
- If your booking is approved and you can not make it for any reason please let us know so we can open up your spot to someone on the waiting list
- Finally, If you are feeling unwell please do not attend. There will always be another club event, including welcome nights in the future.
If you have any questions feel free to message/email/talk to myself (Bennett), Liam, Mira, Ash or Ava.
Keen to see you all there!
- conor rushfellay
- Ava Del Tufo
- Jasmine Noble
- James Q
- Tavis Bancroft
- Amelia Raffle
- Emma Partis
- Samantha Millard
- Nadav Cohen
- Niels Stecher
- Christian Christiansen
- Nick Fabian
- Alex McNaught
- Bennett Frerck
- Cameron Harkins
- Sarah McVicker
- Keira McLoskey
- Luke Leffler
- Isabel Bunting
- joshua henshaw
- Ben Ellis
- Liam Viney
- Bridget Moyle
- Benjamin Timbery
- Stephen Roche
- Bhavik Lodhia
- Harry Hall
- Kurt Edw
- Jessie Gregory
- Oliver Nicholls