BL Saturday: Beginner Climbing at Medlow Bath


All Day


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Mackenzie Labine-Romain

Hey all,

Come climb with Greta and I at Medlow Bath on the satuday of Boree Log. No experience or gear required, but please bring those things if you have them!!

We will need 2 cars (i.e. 10 spots) to drive to and from the crag (departing from Dunphy’s campground), so please PM me (fb: Mac Labine-Romain) if you can drive.

What you need to bring:

  • walking shoes
  • lunch
  • 1-2L water
  • comfy climbing clothes
  • sunscreen

Image result for medlow bath climbing(not my photo)


  • Greta Ritchard
  • Jett Wayne
  • Philippa Higgins
