Glenn and I (Jenny) will leading a climbing trip on Saturday the 15th June to the Medlow Bath.
It’s a beginner appropriate trip and hopefully there’ll be something for everyone! If you’re keen to join, be sure to add the follow to the comments and/or message me on fb:
- Whether you’ve climbed at all indoors and/or outdoors before
- Whether you have a car and can offer lifts
- What your favourite native Australian animal is
Forecast is for cold weather, max 12ºC! That is without any windchill, so warm clothing is a must. Layers will be good so you can take something off while you climb.
You will need:
- *Helmet
- *Harness
- *Belay device + Locking Carabiner
- *Climbing Shoes
- Food + water (at least 1.5L!!)
- Backpack to carry the above
- petrol money for you driver
- enthusiasm
*These items can be borrowed from the club on gear night.
Thanks to Hayden/Jeffery for the trip template!
- Seyed Anch
- Joshua Yang
- Jieyu Liu
- Stefan Gazzana
- Patrick Miller
- Spyro Anthis