Devil’s Pinch Canyon 14/04/2019

Devil's Pinch Canyon 14/04/2019


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Dion Russell

Hey kids,

Me, Brendon and Stephen are running Devil’s Pinch canyon on Sunday the 14th of April. We’ll be spending the Saturday night before at Newnes campground with Izzy and Mira’s group so it should a lot of fun.

The canyon itself is a long day, with a long walk uphill into a pretty spectacular canyon. It’s an intermediate/beginners trip, so you’ll need to be pretty fit.

***You must be able to swim***

If you have any questions hit me up:

A list of gear is below (things with a * can be borrowed from the club on gear night:




*2 x Carabiner

*Abseiling device


*Tent (or find someone to share with)

*Sleeping Bag

*Sleeping Mat


At least 2L water during the day and more to be drunk at camp

Drybag (or find someone to share with)

Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks

Petrol Money (probably $20)/ Car

Enclosed shoes such as old runners

Wollen socks

Change of shoes and socks (so you don’t have gross feet on the drive home)

Warm clothes for the night before (should get under 10oC at night)

Hat, sunscreen and sunglasses

Maybe some cheeky beers or drink of choice

Toothbrush and toothpaste


Kind regards,

Dion Russell.



  • Dion Russell
  • Brendon Tze Sing Yiu
  • Stephen Roche
  • Rebekah Rae
  • Seyed Anch
  • Niels Stecher
