Hey everyone,
Felix and I are running bouldering at the frontlines this Saturday. It’s got heaps of problems from V0 to V10.
Meeting at unsw 9am or frontlines (park on Larra Crescent, North Rocks) at 10ish.
More details on frontlines here: https://www.thecrag.com/climbing/australia/north-west/the-frontline
Please let us know if you have a car and roughly where you live.
We’ll be bringing some bouldering mats but if you have your own please bring it! You’ll need climbing shoes and chalk. Also food and water is helpful, and clothing is preferable.
- Cameron Harkins
- Alina Fomichova
- Philippa Higgins
- larissa kim
- Ringo Linghu
- Gabriel Shlain
- Daisy Bryant
- Mark Hogg
- Brendan O'Rourke
- Felix Krauth
- Connor Kent
- Brayden McCarthy