BL Sunday – Chill Hiking Trip


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Tadeh Karapetian

For those of you too exhausted (or hungover) to do anything strenuous, come along for a chill hike on the Bellbird Ridge Lookout Track.

Departure time: 9:00 or so from Boree Log (Dunphy’s Campground)

Slap on some sunscreen, a hat and some sunglasses to hide your tired eyes and we’ll get going. I anticipate that we will be back at the campground by about 12:00.

Make sure you have at least 1.5L of water to stay hydrated throughout the walk and wear suitable shoes for hiking. Long pants with airflow are a good idea because shorts are not fun whilst bush bashing.

Let me know if you have any medical issues.

