Come join Henry and me at mt piddington to hit some cracks on Saturday of Boree Log!
This trip would be best suited to people looking at getting into trad climbing or who are happy to watch me and Henry suffer.
Because Trad=faff, don’t expect to get on a 100 climbs like a sport trip. Most climbs will be <15 as me and henry aren’t yet Trad guns (i think we both have tendonitis as well lol). But there’ll be one or two 17/18’s.
Tell me why you’re keen and what your spirit animal is in the comments 🙂
You will need:
- *Helmet
- *Harness
- *Belay device + Locking Carabiner
- *Climbing Shoes
- Food + water (at least 2L!!)
- Backpack to carry the above
- warm clothing most likely! (check the weather)
- petrol money for you driver
- good vibes
*These items can be borrowed the morning of Boree Log, but it may run out so BYO if you have it to avoid disappointment.
You must be approved to the main Boree Log event to come on this trip.
- Nicolas Di Campli
- Hayden Lobry
- Siddharth Doshi