Behold canyoning season is upon us!
Brendan and I (Vicky) are running a beginners canyon to Lower Bowen’s Creek North. It’s a short, fun, really pretty canyon with a couple of abseils and small jumps along the way. Experience in abseiling is not necessary, but preferred.
There are 6 spots available on a first-come-first-serve basis unless we can’t find someone with a car.
GEAR – everyone is responsible for getting their own gear which they can get from the gear cupboard on Wednesday night. You will need:
- Wetsuit
- Helmet
- Harness
- ATC and locking biner
- Safety sling and locking biner
- Woolen socks and closed shoes that drain well (volleys are recommended, otherwise any shoes with good drainage and grip will do the trick. Bowens is pretty slippery!)
- Drybag (if you don’t have one, they’re pretty cheap from any outdoors store or borrow from a friend)
- Lunch and at least 1.5L of water
- A backpack you don’t mind getting wet and throwing around
- Towel and dry clothes for the trip home
- (Optional) thermals to wear underneath your wetsuit. The water in Bowens was icy when we went two weeks ago so thermals are recommended
- Fuel money for your friendly driver
We’ll create a FB thread once numbers are confirmed.
Cheers 🙂
- Jennifer Lao
- Vicky Chen
- Gwendolyn Schumacher
- Maria LC
- Eamonn Colley
- Isabelle Kopecny
- Arun Dayanandan
- Xu Dong Feng
- Brendan O'Rourke