Beginners abseiling trip this Saturday.
Intending to do the Castle Head abseiling trip. The plan is to catch the 7:10am train from Central to Katoomba, then walk 40mins out to Narrowneck and do the abseil. We will then walk back to Katoomba and have dinner in the pub before we catch the train home. No abseiling experience is required, however common sense is!
The trip will run, rain, hail or shine so you will need the following:
- 2l of water;
- Food for lunch and morning tea;
- rain jacket and warm cloths;
- harness, helmet and abseil device (let me know if you need this equipment);
- sturdy walking shoes (no thongs, sandals or crocks);
- warm thing for your head;
- money for train and beer(afterwards); and,
- backpack for all ya’ crap.
my phone number if 0430731491 if you want to ask me any questions. See you on Saturday!
- Thomas Morey
- Damon Vandermaat
- Katrine Steiniche
- Inghild Storaas