TLIT Series Week Six – Behind the Scenes as a TL


6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Bookings closed


Trip Leaders

Alfie Jones

What is the TLIT Series?

The Trip Leader In Training Series (TLIT) is a program that our club runs to upskill the next generation of trip leaders. Over six workshops we will teach a range of technical skills to bring club members one step closer to being one of our club trip leaders and helping to bring the amazing the sports we do to more people.

Moreover, while some workshops are sport specific (such as the sport and trad workshops) we encourage members to attend all events as they teach valuable skills you can use across disciplines.

The workshops will follow the general format of:
-General Ropework
-Abseiling and Canyoning
-Lead Climbing
-Trad Climbing
-Hauling and Rescue
-Behind the scenes as a TL
-Rescue Scenario Day


Who is the TLIT Series for?

These workshops are for people who are interested in becoming trip leaders within UNWSOC and fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Have been participating in club weekend trips for a period of 6+ months
  • Have done or doing a Cert III + Outdoor Ed course (TAFE)
  • Are a current Trip Leader and want a refresher and/or expand knowledge base
  • Have participated in Scouts NSW trips involving ropework and/or training events
  • Are okay with pre-learning material before workshops, as there is large amounts of content to cover in one night.
  • Have experience with rope sports from clubs or groups



  • Gabe Naylor
  • Oliver Revis
