Learn to lead (climb and belay) – St. Peters


6:45 pm - 9:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Samantha Millard

Cindy and I (Sammy) will be running a learn-to-lead session on Wednesday 10th August (evening) at St. Peters Climbing Gym. We will teach you how to safely lead belay and lead climb.


Wondering if you are ready to start leading? If you are feeling comfortable top-roping grade 19, then I’d say you are ready to start learning to lead.


You will need:

– a harness (gear shed or st. peters)

– climbing shoes (gear shed or st peters)


Cindy and I will bring the ropes and belay devices, but if you have your own belay devices.

Let me know in the comments what level you are climbing at the moment on top-rope, and what experience you might already have with lead climbing.

Note. you will need to pay entry to St. Peters Climbing Gym yourself.




  • Samantha Millard
  • Cindy Li
  • Xiaojing Huang
  • Ayesha Ray-Kirsch
  • Myles Pymble
  • Minglu Yin
  • Hongzhi Liao
  • Christian Cachia
  • maya anderson
  • Zenon (Zee) Platritis
  • sachin shrestha
