8 May – Rope skills day, Intermediate to Advanced


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Juri Hemmi



There will be an intermediate/advanced rope skills day held this weekend and geared towards climbing and canyoning.

We’ll start off going over vertical mobility (prusiking) and move on to anchor building, releasable systems, hauling systems, advanced rescues, ziplines, etc. It will depend on the group how far we progress in the day and at what speed.

It is expected that you are already able to pass a knot while prusiking – this is not a beginner trip.


When: Sunday 9:30 am

Where: Yellow Rock lookout https://maps.google.com?q=8M92+HC%20Yellow%20Rock%20lookout,%20Yellow%20Rock%20NSW%202777&ftid=0x6b1286c090a0d4f9:0x197dcffd8dd4041c&hl=en-AU&gl=au&entry=gps&lucs=a1


Bring your own Lunch, lots of Water, Outdoor gear, Harness, Helmet, Prusiks, and any other climbing/canyoning equipment you can get your hands on.

In the comments please let me know your level of experience and send me a message if you have any questions. It’s always a fun day out on the cliff.




  • Cindy Li
  • Zenon (Zee) Platritis
  • Samantha Millard
  • Juri Hemmi
  • Sienna Archer
  • Stephen Roche
  • Elliott Vercoe
  • Brendan Conneely
  • Patrick Chambers
  • Tadeh Karapetian
  • Cameron Harkins
  • Alina Fomichova
