Want to go down a rope? You should probably learn to go up too!
Join me (Nadav) and Juri to learn
Prusiking is a very useful skill for all sorts of things from aiding up a multi pitch as a second, recovering a stuck rope in a canyon, bailing from a problematic abseil and many more
We will go through all things prusiking, starting at the very beginning, things like how to tie the prussic, what the different way of prusiking are, how to use an autoblock, and work up from there till we get bored. Starting at 6:30pm at the ledge.
Bring your:
- harness
- closed toe shoes that you dont mind wearing while climbing a rope (if thats your climbing shoes thats cool)
- and any relent gear you have, the best practice is practice on your gear.
- gloves if you want, it can be a bit hard on your hands the first time.
We will bring everything else we need
(Thanks Oliver for this excellent description that I stole)
- Lin Han
- Emily Dowling
- Linna He
- Brendan Conneely
- Margot Mason
- Max Arkley-Smith
- Daniel Gilbert