BL Saturday – Beginner Climbing at New Nowra (or other location tbd)


All Day


Bookings closed

Trip Leaders

Elliott Vercoe

Scott and I will be leading a beginner climbing trip to New Nowra (or other location tbd). Find all the details here: .  You must be approved for Boree Log to attend.

The plan is to drive from the campground where we are camping on Saturday night to the crag, where we will set up top ropes for everyone to climb. No climbing experience is needed. If you´re a competent lead climber and lead belayer, you´re also welcomed. It will be an awesome day out and you will need:

  • Climbing gear: A harness*, a helmet* and locking carabiner* attached to an ATC* (* = club will provide it). Optional but recommended chalk bag and climbing shoes.
  • For clothing: Sport clothes. It can get quite hot or quite chilly, so be prepared for both.
  • For eating: 2 l of water, food or snacks.
  • Other gear: swimmers, sunscreen, medicines if you need them (asthma puffer, etc).

Number of attendees will depend on the number of cars available. Please mention if you have a car.


  • Kurt Edw
  • Tom Randall
