Hauling Systems


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Patrick Chambers

Hey everyone,

I’ll be running a training session on hauling systems at the Ledge tonight. We’ll be looking at a few basic hauling systems that can be set up with minimal gear.

Hauling is a useful skill for to know for climbing multipitch routes and in the (hopefully) unlikely event of something going wrong.

Equipment required:

  • Harness
  • Sling
  • Guide mode ATC
  • 3x Locking carabiners
  • 2x prusiks

Put any gear you need in the comments and I will grab them from the gear cupboard on the way. Make sure you’re also signed up to the Ledge event if you want to come for this session.



  • Ben Ellis
  • Nadav Cohen
  • Zenon (Zee) Platritis
  • Sarah McVicker
