Learn to Abseil/Beginner Climbing


All Day


Bookings closed

Trip Leaders

Nic Di Campli

Hey everyone!
Matt/Jenny and I (Nic) will be leading a beginner-friendly trip to Bangor in South Sydney. This is a lovely crag in a peaceful bush setting, with a short walk in – perfect beginner and intermediate climbers! 😊
This trip will also run as a beginner’s abseiling trip, so get excited!

No climbing experience is required, but you will need (your own!):

  • Climbing gear: A harness*, helmet*, climbing shoes* and chalk bag (* = could be borrowed from the club gear cupboard).
  • For clothing: Sport clothes. It can get quite hot or quite chilly, so be prepared for both.
  • For sustenance: 2L of water, food or snacks, chocolate for trip leaders 😉
  • Other gear: Sunscreen, medicines if you need them (asthma puffer, etc).

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, death threats, or dead budgerigars myself (Nicolas Di Campli) on Facebook. Write down your experience, and whether you want to learn to lead climb or abseil!

Remember that if you are sick, or displaying any symptoms, stay at home!

Get stoked, it should be a fun day (if it doesn’t rain)!


  • Catherine Deng
  • Daisy Bryant
  • Harmon Kassulke
  • Amanda Chan
  • Jackson Bleechmore
  • karma sherpa
  • Lloyd Siharath
  • alvin ong
  • Sarah Steiner
  • Andrius Masedunskas
