Manly Dam Mountain Biking

Manly Dam Mountain Biking


9:30 am - 2:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Trip Leaders

Nick Fabian

This Saturday the club will be going to Manly Dam for some Mountain Biking! Preferably you would have taken your mountain bike for a spin already. This trip is more of a group ride to get out onto the trails and for UNSWOC Mountain Bikers to get together. We will be doing a loop of Manly Dam with some optional add-ons for some fun. Right now a lot of the trail system is closed, however we are hoping for it to open before Saturday. Fingers Crossed.

Aiming to be riding from 9:30am till around 2pm with snack breaks on the way.

Please bring:

  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Mountain Bike (Dualy or Hardtail)
    • Please make sure your bike won’t have any unexpected issues before the ride!
  • Bike specific helmet
  • Something to carry your water and snacks with you while riding.

Please comment your experience level and any questions you have about this trip! There will be no car trips arranged for this trip due to ArcSport social distancing guidelines.

Meeting location will be organised in a separate group chat.



  • Hamish Prosser
  • Keira McLoskey
  • Tadeh Karapetian
  • Nathan Isaacson
