Saturday BL – Mystery Adventure and Cooking


All Day


Bookings closed

Trip Leaders

Jenny Stansby

You must be attending and approved for the Boree Log main event to sign up for this trip.
What better way to spend the Saturday of Boree Log by avoiding the morning chaos, going on an adventure and then cooking for the masses! This is the perfect trip if you’re looking to have a chill day in a beautiful setting with excellent company, or if you can’t make it to Boree Log in time on Saturday morning.

You will need:

  • Shoes/clothing for an adventure and remember warm cloths for the evening, it can get quite chilly.
  • Lunch: we’ll try share food and have a picnic lunch somewhere nice by the river
  • Swimmers, if you’d like to take a dip in the water
  • Sunscreen
  • Medicines if you need them (asthma puffer, etc).
  • Good cooking/chopping skills depending on the recipe chosen, not essential but could be handy.
  • Entertainment, if you’ve got any good games, a Frisbee, inflatable raft, slackline etc bring it along!

If you have any questions message me (Jenny Stansby) on Facebook. Write down YOUR Travel plans (e.g. getting a lift on Friday night/driving on Saturday morning, can give lifts/looking for a lift on Saturday) in the comments, what entertainment you can bring, any allergies and whether you have A CAR (and the model). 






  • Jenny Stansby
