UNSWOC has organised for Wilderness First Aid Australia (WFAA) to provide our members with a 3-day Remote Area First Aid (RAFA) course from Friday 16th – Sunday 18th of May.
What will the course involve: You will do online pre-learning before the course then undertake a number of scenarios across the 3 days interspersed with teaching sessions. A night scenario will take place during the course. It will be an intense 3 days but rewarding and equip you with a nationally recognized qualification for your back country adventures. Check some of the photos and details from past courses here and above is a lovely fake injury from the course I did recently.
Where: The Grange Outdoor Education Facility in Mt Victoria (2hrs south of Sydney)
Timing: Friday 16th – Sunday 18th of May. This is immediately following the UNSW exam block so hopefully is an ideal time for everyone keen.The course runs from 8 am through 5:30 pm each day running for 3 hours after dark one of the days. There will be time to eat food however there is not likely to be time to buy food, so come prepared.
Accommodation: Private house/dormitory shared kitchen, BBQ facilities and toilets will be included for all. You can stay onsite in a bed with ($105 for the 3 nights), this is recommended to get the most out of the course plus you get to spend more time with friends, details in the image at the end.
Transport: Train from central to Mt Victoria (10 min walk) or car-pool.
Cost: approx $500 + $105 for Accom
- For trip leaders (and TLIT) this will be subsidised. You pay up front and are reimbursed per trip you run at a rate of $100 per trip you run in the calendar year up too $500 (exact fee arrangement subject to change).
- Non trip leaders will not be subsidised.
- If you are experiencing financial complication, please let myself (Oliver) or Caity Donovan know and arrangements can be made.
Why we subsidise: UNSWOC will fund the training for active trip leaders as a thank you for their hard work and future trip leaders to equip them to lead trips.
Pre-work requirement: Pre-work is essential (there will be an online handbook sent out). There are not prior first aid qualifications needed to start or sign up for this course.
Qualifications: Upon completion you will have from the RTO: RAFA, CPR/AED (exact codes TBC)
Sign-ups: 16 places available. Payment will be required upon acceptance to the trip. Failure to pay within 3 days of acceptance will result in the loss of your place on the course.
The priority order:
- Current TL without RAFA/WFA (or expired/expiring)
- TLIT without RAFA/WFA
- Club Members
- General Public
Please comment below the last time you did a RAFA/WFA course, if you would like to stay onsite, how many trips you have run so far this year and how many you intend to run.
What to bring (minimum):
- food (all meals and food to be self-catered)
- if staying onsite: Doona/sleeping bag (sheet + pillowcase provided)
To ensure ALL students get the most out of their learning participants should bring ALL their own personal equipment (not limited to the list below) to gain a stronger understanding and familiarity with how to respond in an emergency situation.
- Warm/appropriate clothing to be outside. Please DO NOT wear your best outdoor clothing as you will be outside on the ground and stage makeup will be used which can stain if no washed.
- Foam mat/Old Thermarest – (insulation)
- Wet weather gear
- Small tarp / tent fly / hootchi – (some sort of shelter protection)
- Sun protection – 30+SPF/Zinc, Hat, etc
- Water bottle
- Backpack
- Pen, paper
- Watch with second hand/stopwatch function
- 2 x spare jumpers and t-shirts for padding for splints (will get dirty)
- Walking poles, paddles – gear you would normally have with you outdoors that you can use to improvise splints.
Any questions, comments, concerns contact me – Oliver Nicholls