***EVENT FULL*** 1 remaining spot is to secure a spot on the wait list
Hey Kiddos! Great news, the kayaking pool sessions are back on! These are beginner friendly and targeted to get beginners like you into kayaking 🙂
Do you want to come on our whitewater paddling trips? Have you always wanted to kayak down waterfalls? Or, do you want to represent UNSWOC at the Snowy River Extreme Race this year? If the answer is yes to any of these come to our pool sessions and learn to roll!
So what is a pool session? Well, essentially whitewater kayaking can be inherently dangerous especially if you flip over and can’t roll up again. These sessions are there to teach you the basic skills required to stay safe on a river. We will mainly focus on rolling but we can also teach you various other kayaking skills if you are interested. Once you have a firm grasp of these skills, you’ll be invited on various whitewater trips and have access to the whitewater kayaks.
When and where:
- We will meet at the Gear Cupboard (near the BBQs at Sam Cracknell Pavilion) at 5:45 pm.
- From there we will carry the gear over to the UNSW pool for a 6:15 pm start in the water.
- We will be out of the water by 8:15 pm and we will be done with pack-up by 9:00 pm latest.
What to bring:
- Swimmers
- Towel
- Goggles *optional
- Earplugs *optional
- Noseplug *optional
This event will be made available for signups at 7 pm on Tuesday the 23rd of April and closes when full. There are 8 spots available, the final spot is not an actual spot, rather a reservation for a spot on the waiting list in case someone can’t make it.
- Bennett Frerck
- Natalie Mak
- Liam Viney
- Alina Fomichova
- Nick Fabian
- Seyed Anch
- Lachlan Bell
- Marco Heydecker