Kayak Skills Session (Intermediate/advanced)

Kayak Skills Session (Intermediate/advanced)


10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Alexandra Repetto

It looks like the boats need a little more TLC, and some kayak safety skills need some refreshing. If you are a kayaking trip leader, want to be a future kayaking trip leader or just want to borrow the club boats this term (or year), this is the skills session for you – even if you only ever want to paddle flatwater! I will commence slightly more beginner friendly skills sessions in week 3 and/or 4.


The topics/skills we will cover:

  • Gear – what are those weird foam blocks, how to fix/get the rudder working, what boats to use for what how to transport boats and more… (at the tramsheds)
  • What to take for a club and personal trips and laws you should probably follow. (At the tramsheds)
  • Actual kayaking skills (rescues, towing, braces, paddle strokes, maybe some rolls, etc) trust me, most of these are useful even for flatwater! (On the water – Botany bay)


The session will be run in two halves first at the tramsheds then on the water. It would be ideal if you could attend both, but I understand that people are busy and have lives other than kayaking. Feel free to just come to what suits you if that’s the case just mention this in the comments


The first half at the tramsheds is more beginner friendly and has no limit on spaces.

For the second half there are limited spots. Preference is as follows;  trip leaders this semester, then prospective trip leaders, then people simply wishing to rent boats this year, then others that I’ve missed.


What to bring for the paddling part:

  • Swimmers (you will be swimming a lot)
  • Thermals/sun protective clothing
  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Lunch/snacks
  • Water
  • Shoes that can get wet
  • Sea sickness/ginger tablets (if you are prone to motion or sea sickness)




Meet at the gear cupboard at 11am or the tramsheds at 11:15. We will start by 11:30. If you can only make the second half, contact me for details.


  • Alexandra Repetto
  • Ping Li
  • Hayden Lobry
  • Aidan Cameron
  • Nicola Sentinella
  • Alina Fomichova
  • Gabriel Shlain
