Aid Climbing Faff

Aid Climbing Faff


All Day


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Maria LC

Next Saturday (7th) Hayden, Abi, Cameron and I (Maria) are heading to probably Mt Piddington to practise some Aid Climbing / faffing!

Anyone with a keen sense of adventure wants to climb big walls eventually, but our fingers aren’t strong enough to get up a 28 yet. Aid climbing is a climbing style that uses ladders and trad climbing gear to help you get up the wall (vs free climbing, when you use your muscles to climb and the rope / gear only for safety purposes).

**This is NOT a trip where we teach you how to aid. This is a SELF-SUFFICIENT / SELF-LEARNING trip where we pair up to practise some basic aid techniques together. The book “How to Climb Big Wall” in PDF can be sent to participants**

  • Required knowledge: solid trad lead and lead belay skills, hauling systems.
  • Required gear: bring it all! Personal climbing gear, trad rack, rope, grigri, etc. Some aid gear provided by club (ascenders, etriers, daisy chains, skyhooks).
  • Food, water, warm clothes, cash for petrol, personal meds, sunscream, etc. We will organise carpooling.

If you wanna come, leave your experience in the comments! Cheers, Maria


  • Vicky Chen
  • Ava Del Tufo
  • Abi Prakash
  • Hayden Lobry
  • Maria LC
  • Cameron Harkins
  • Patrick Chambers
  • Henry Burt
