POSTPONED – Learn to abseil and other rope skills

POSTPONED - Learn to abseil and other rope skills


11:30 am - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Hayden Lobry

Posting the trip in a hurry *actual trip location may (will) look vastly and completely different


Postponed to Sunday

Jenny and I will be running a practical workshop on abseiling this Saturday at Quarry Reserve in Maroubra.

Abseiling is necessary for many outdoor activities including canyoning, caving and climbing (trad, multipitches, general access in some cases). It is also very dangerous, at these heights simple mistakes can lead to serious injuries or death. So its important to learn and become comfortable abseiling to minimise these potential risks.

This trip would be suited to any level of abseiling experience, from complete novices or people wanting to improve their skills.
Aside from abseiling, we can practice/teach other skills such as: ascending, cleaning sport routes, top belaying, lowering on guide mode etc.
So if you’re keen signup AND comment your experience and what you’d like to learn! (if this is popular i might run another trip grouping people of similar abilities)

Watch this video before coming.

What to Bring:
I will bring all the safety gear; harnesses, helmets etc.
You just need:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Sun protection: hat, sunscreen etc.

Quarry reserve in Maroubra, its pretty close to uni.
If you’re catching a bus, the 317 or 316 from Randwick has a stop at the park. Or you can walk from the Anzac Parade buses.

But ill leave signups open for a waiting list. Also to see if theres enough interest in running this again soon 


  • Hayden Lobry
  • Bethany Murphy
  • Catherine Deng
  • Niels Stecher
  • Emily Deng
  • Seonaid Parker
  • Shenice Senanayake
  • Edel Sofie Ulvaag Rikardsen
  • Eilif Øyre
  • Alex Kirk
  • Naghmeh Navidi
  • Linda Romanovska
  • Ringo Linghu
  • Carlos de la Sierra
  • TY Cho
  • Ava Del Tufo
