Kayak Pool/surf session


9:00 am - 2:00 pm


Bookings closed (are you logged in?)

Event Type

Trip Leaders

Alexandra Repetto

Hey there! Aidan and I will be running a kayak pool session at Mahon Pool (near Maroubra). We are looking for someone to transform from zero to hero!

You might be wondering, what is a pool/surf session? Well essentially, whitewater paddling as a sport can sometimes be quite dangerous (especially if you fall out of your boat. So, before we take you down a river we run these sessions to teach you the basic skills of rolling yourself upright incase you ever tip over as well as a few basic rescue skills all in the safety of an outdoor pool.

Then comes the surf bit, if you get your roll at the pool session (or if you don’t but you simply like to suffer) we hop in the ocean and catch some waves in our boats. This is a good way to practice your newfound skills in some moving water without the deathiness of strainers, undercuts, pinning rocks and endless rapids.

This particular pool session will be open to:

– 2 trip leaders (from other activities who want to try something new)

-1 person who has previously attended a pool session

– 1 total newbie who wants to transform from zero to hero

Please comment which of these you are!

Gear (stuff you need to bring):

– swimmers

– towel

– lunch

– sunscreen

– water

– goggles, nose plug, ear plugs (all optional)


Meet at the gear cupboard at 9am we will do 2-2.5 hours of pool session before we migrate to the beach.



  • Alexandra Repetto
  • Siddharth Doshi
  • Aidan Cameron
  • Isabella Lowe
  • Dion Russell
