Hey! Want to learn how to place bomber pieces in time for Araps season? Well this might be the sesh for you!
This Thursday at the Ledge, Mali and I will be running a trad climbing basics training workshop. The session will be aimed at those who have experience climbing outdoors, are comfortable lead climbing and belaying, and keen to venture into trad climbing.
Some of the knowledge and skills we’re aiming to cover include placing different kinds of protection (passive/active), building anchors, understanding the gear and the rock and general processes and logistics. Trad climbing is obviously a lot more complex than what we will be able to teach in the setting of the gym, so please continue to learn as much as you can from those with the experience.
Bring along whatever relevant gear you currently own, the rest will be provided by us. In the comments let me know your current experience level, what gear you own if any and what you’d be looking to get out of this training.
These are some reads that will help you understand concepts easier on the day
Keen to see y’all there!
- Edward Phillips
- Linna He
- Ryan Van Dyk
- Justin Liu
- Peter Gote