Dam Cliffs Beginner Lead Climbing

Left Luke's house in Lawson at about 10am to get to Dam Cliffs at about 11am. On the wall by 11:30. Damon lead up Jug City(12, set anchors on an awkward top out before moving the anchor back to the cliff edge to be more 'beginner friendly'. Eivind instructed on how to lead belay from the bottom.Once the climb was established, everyone took it in turns to send the wall on lead.
Following this, Damon set up Unknown Climb 2 (14) and Eivind set up Fucary Rug (14) and everyone took it in turns to lead/top rope these. Towards the end of the day Damon and Eivind did some harder routes before setting up The Sisters of Fatima (16) for people to try on lead.
Notable events for the day included Dave Waddington's 'wipper' on The Sisters of Fatima while clipping the 4th draw. He fell approximately 5-6m, sending his belayer, Alex Boulgakov, for a bit of a ride.
Left the crag on dark and got to the cars at about 6:00pm. When we got back we went for Szechuan at The Tasty Eating House in Kingsford because the kitchen at The Rege was closed. 4/5, would eat there again.

Damon Vandermaat

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Date: 28/4/2013
Time Started: 11:00am
Time Returned: 6:00pm
Trip: Dam Cliffs Beginner Lead Climbing
Area: Blue Mountains National Park
Attendees: 10 People attended.
Leaders: Damon Vandermaat, Eivind Verley