I'll keep it brief: -
Party: Brian Hawkins, Nick Simpson, Rhys Hart, Frederik Bockelmann
After weeks of training and expectation, the day arrived. We skipped our afternoon lectures and caught the train to Katoomba. A slight worry was that Nick, who had the maps, was not on the train. But he turned up at Katoomba station. 'Been waiting long?' 'I was on the same train as you,' said Nick, 'but I was sitting downstairs.'
We dined and started walking. You can choose to begin the Three Peaks anywhere between Katoomba railway station and Narrowneck gate. We chose Katoomba police station, which we passed at 6:02 p.m. To "really" do the Three Peaks you must take less than 48 hours; so we would have to be back at the police station by 6:02 p.m. on Sunday.
The moon was nearly full and the moonlight helped us walk quickly along Narrowneck. As we were scrambling down the cliffs near Tarro's ladder, we saw a big treefrog (Litoria citropa) on a rock. Later that night we saw sugar gliders and ringtailed possums in the trees - but we were too sleepy to take much interest. It was 2 a.m. before we reached the Cox's River at Yellow Pup. It didn't look like rain, so we just slept on the grass without bothering to put up the flies. We would have to be up in a little over three hours anyway.
We snored through Rhys's alarm and didn't wake until six. Rhys, Nick and myself packed in a hurry and said goodbye to Frederik, who had been having trouble with blisters and was going to wait for us by the river. 'If we don't come back,' we told him, 'just stay where you are. The police helicopter will arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday.'
We splashed across the Cox's, got water from Kanangra Creek and set off up Strongleg. This first climb was quite enjoyable. We reached Cloudmaker at 9:30 and left it soon afterwards.
After a tedious sidling under some cliffs near Mount Marooba Karoo we descended a steep, thigh-busting ridge. My quads, tender from going down Yellow Pup the night before, started to hurt. We arrived at Kanangra Creek at about 11:30. There was a pretty little blacksnake there to welcome us, and the scene was so beautiful in the sunlight that I just wanted to stay for the rest of the day. But I had to be content with dunking my head in the water and eating a muesli bar. Then we walked upstream and tackled Mount Paralyser.
The climb was long and hard and steep. It was 1:50 before we got to the top. We were about an hour behind schedule and it was doubtful if we would make the summit of Mount Guouogang before dark. Rhys was exhausted; but there was nothing we could do except head for Whalania Creek as planned.
As we descended we kept casting glances across the valley in front of us at Nooroo Buttress - the mighty, knife-edged, violently twisting ridge that we would have to climb if we were to reach Guouogang. It was an intimidating and depressing sight.
We rested for ten minutes by Whalania Creek before attempting Nooroo. Rhys fought his exhaustion and beat it and we gained height steadily. The views from the dragon-back ridge were amazing but my deadened senses could not appreciate them. Near the top I had to stop frequently and swig orange-drink. The sun was setting.
We hauled ourselves over boulders and stumbled through scrub. We found a flattish place without too many stones and threw down our packs. It was not quite dark. 'Where's the top of the mountain?' asked Rhys. 'This is it.' We made tea - nectar! - and lay still, doing nothing. We chatted for the first time all day.
The next morning we woke at 5:30 feeling surprisingly good. We climbed the cairn on the summit of Guouogang and read the logbook; the Three Peaks had last been attempted in October 2000. We made our own entry and set off for the Cox's River, to collect Frederik.
We - I - made a bit of a blunder coming down from Mount Bullagowar. Instead of taking the ridge that would have led us directly to Frederik, we took another, faster ridge that dumped us at the river a couple of kilometres upstream. Well it didn't actually dump us at the river - it dumped us in Guouogang Brook, a hundred metres or so from the river. In Guouogang Brook we got stung by stinging nettles; then I walked into a giant stinging tree. It stung me on my right leg, my right cheek, my scalp and my left ear. Good one! I was glad when we reached the river and walked waist-deep through the sweet, soothing water.
We had told Frederik we would pick him up at 8:30. As it turned out, we didn't arrive till ten. This was after an encounter with a brown snake, the only one I have ever seen by the Cox's River. We found Frederik safe and sound and spent a pleasant ten minutes yarning. Then, at 10:23, we charged up Yellow Pup Ridge.
Walking fairly quickly, and without stopping, it takes about seven hours to get from the river at Yellow Pup to Katoomba. We had seven hours and thirtynine minutes at our disposal, which was cutting it pretty fine, especially considering the huge walk we had done the day before. It was touch and go whether we would make it.
Two thirds of the way up Yellow Pup we saw a blacksnake and stopped to photograph it, as it was the first Australian snake Frederik had seen. Then it was go go go again. At 11:36 we left Mount Yellow Dog and set out for Mobbs Swamp, where we filled our water bottles. At 12:45 we left Mobbs Swamp. Our leeway was being eaten into.
We climbed up onto Narrowneck and had a short break at the lookout. We set off again at 2:55. The walk from the lookout to Katoomba normally takes three hours, if you go pretty quickly. We now had only seven minutes up our sleeves.
We burned along Narrowneck, dodging cyclists. My legs were about ready to pack it in. There was a sharp pain in my right knee but so long as I kept walking it was manageable. Half an hour from the gate we passed a party of scouts with compasses dangling from their necks. They were unhappy at being overtaken and made a fierce attempt to catch up to us. When I reached the gate I stopped and looked back. Frederik was hobbling up the hill on his badly blistered feet with about twenty red-faced, furiously marching scouts behind him. They passed him ten metres from the gate and strode up and stood around hyperventilating. I suppose it was a good effort by the scouts but it was an even better effort by Frederik, without whose selflessness and guts the rest of us would not have completed the walk in 48 hours.
We reached the police station at 5:49, thirteen minutes before our deadline. I felt moved as I limped up the hill and saw the police station's two Australian flags and my friends, who had endured this walk with me, standing underneath them in the dwindling light. Nick, a noted felon, said 'It's the first time I've ever been happy to see a cop shop.' 'It's the first time you've ever seen one from the outside,' we said.
In fourtyeight hours we had walked ninety kilometres, much of it trackless, climbed 5,000 metres and descended an equal amount. But the figures alone do not give a true idea of the walk's difficulty. It is the fallen trees you must climb over or under, the jagged rocks you must balance on, the boulders you must haul yourself up, the masses of prickly undergrowth you must push through, and the myriad sticks and stones waiting to trip you when you are stumbling with exhaustion, that make the Three Peaks so hard.
When I got home my stepfather said, 'Did you do your walk?' 'Yes.' 'Did you break the record?' 'No. We weren't trying to.' 'How long did it take you?' 'We did it in under 48 hours.' 'And what's the record?' 'Fourteen hours.' 'Humph.'
13 April 2001 - 15 April 2001 | Climbing - Blue Mountains Contact Ben on 92818178 or 92676244. Last minute is ok! :-) |
Ben Shanahan 93150580 . |
13 April 2001 5:00:00 PM | Indoor Climbing - Sydney University The club's regular indoor climbing - free for members. |
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Anzac Day weekend | Mountain Biking - somewhere on the Anzac Day weekend |
Daniel Marlay 99699167 94335332 daniel.marlay@acxiom.com. |
16 April 2001 - 18 April 2001 | Bushwalking - Coastal Track, Royal National Park I'm planning to follow the costal track, which is about 26 km. long and should take us through some varied terrain with great views ( according to the Royal Nat. Park homepage ). There is a campsite without any facilities along this track, where we will spend the night. I haven't planned the details of this walk, but it intended to be a relaxing trip. Having said this you should be aware, however, that this will be the first time I plan any hiking trip and I have never been to Royal Nat. Park so precisely how it will turn out I don't know for sure. I hope quite a few of you fid this trip interesting, but the number of people who can come along is limited to 8 people as this is the number of people who are allowed to camp at the place I mentioned. You will therefore have to give notice quite soon I you want to join me, priority will be given to the first person with any experience who contacts me, as I would like some backup. If you really want to come along, but the day doesn't suit you try to contact me anyway, as I might change the dates for this trip if I thereby get more people to join. |
Line Lander Madsen 93266287 llanderm@hotmail.com. |
16 April 2001 - 18 April 2001 | Sport Climbing - Nowra Staying at Andrew's parents' property, living it up and doing some climbing. |
Andrew Collins 93860499 acollins@climb.wow.aust.com. |
End of the easter break? | Bushwalking - Blue Mountains I have either the trip to the ruined castle or Mount Solitaire in mind, but basically I just want to go to the Blue Mountains for one day, and I need somebody to do it with. Again I would appreciate at least one person with some experience, but if anybody wants to come along contact me, and we'll see what we can come up with. By the way to anybody who has some experience don't get scared away by the thought of me leaving you to do all the planning. I'm not going to take that much advantage of you, I might still do something myself. |
Line Lander Madsen 93266287 llanderm@hotmail.com. |
20 April 2001 - 22 April 2001 | Climbing - Leura and the Grose Valley We'll be climbing insanely long multi-pitched adventure routes. Woohoo! :-) |
Marc Chee Brainchile@yahoo.com or Scott Morrison 93491522 scott@morrison.fl.net.au. |
20 April 2001 - 24 April 2001 | Bushwalking - Badja State Forest A Wilderness Society walk - contact Brian for details. |
Brian Hawkins 93639012 . |
22 April 2001 | Mountain Biking - Royal National Park |
Peter Kirievsky 0413653069 pkir@cse.unsw.edu.au. |
27 April 2001 5:00:00 PM | Indoor Climbing - Sydney University The club's regular indoor climbing - free for members. |
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27 April 2001 5:30:00 AM | Critical Mass - Meets at Hyde Park Fountain Cycling protest and fun ride. |
Joseph Nadel 93890423 . |
28 April 2001 - 29 April 2001 | Caving - With the UNSW Speleological Society. Limited places |
Barbara Ling 0402287389 b.ling@unsw.edu.au. |
28 April 2001 - 29 April 2001 | Rock Climbing Competition - Australian Eastern Conference Games The are categories for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, as well as competitions for On-Sight Lead, On-Sight Toprope, Bouldering and Speed Climbing. It will be a great weekend, and a chance to meet other climbers at our university and from other universities all over the place! |
Marc Chee Brainchile@yahoo.com. |
28 April 2001 - 29 April 2001 | Bushwalking - Warrumbungles A walk near Siding Springs (hopefully!) |
Marton Hidas 93145764 mgh@roen.phys.unsw.edu.au. |
2 May 2001 2:00:00 PM | Self Rescue Practice - Queens Park We'll be working on rescue techniques for rockclimbing. We've been practising assisted abseils, and we're working on techniques to raise or lower an injured victim, as well as leader rescue. |
Scott Morrison 93491522 scott@morrison.fl.net.au. |
5 May 2001 - 6 May 2001 | Rogaining - ACT ACT Rogaining Championships. We'll be driving down by minibus. |
Adrian Smith adrian.smith@student.unsw.edu.au. |
6 May 2001 | Beginner's Rockclimbing - Lindfield Rocks Some nice easy climbing at a suburban climbing location in Lindfield. Come along, try some climbing, and learn basic safety. |
Suzanna Richards 96651812 suzanna@morgan.net.au. |
8 May 2001 7:00:00 PM | Club Meeting - Roundhouse |
Scott Morrison 93491522 scott@morrison.fl.net.au. |
13 May 2001 | Rock Climbing - Beginners Outdoor Climbing Day An introduction to the wonders of outdoor climbing! This will be held either at Mt York, near Mt Victoria, in the Blue Mountains, or at Barrenjoey, near Palm Beach. |
Marc Chee Brainchile@yahoo.com. |
15 May 2001 6:00:00 PM | Sale Night - Mountain Designs, Kent St The Mountain Designs shop behind Town Hall, on Kent St, supports our Club by offering discounts and sale nights. This is the first such sale night for this year, and they're opening the shop up just for us, and offering 20% off everything (except things already on sale, of course). This is your chance to buy those hiking boots, sleeping bags, shiny new climbing gear, etc., that you've been drooling over for months. Come along! There'll also be cheap indoor climbing, for $6, for members that night, at City Crag, the climbing gym in the store there. The sale night will start at 6pm, and run until 8:30pm. |
Marc Chee Brainchile@yahoo.com. |
17 June 2001 | Rogaine - Lithgow The Paddy Pallin 6 hour rogaine |
Adrian Smith adrian.smith@student.unsw.edu.au. |
July | Mountaineering - Blue Lake An introductory mountaineering course, camping near Blue Lake. We'll be up there playing with ice axes, crampons, ropes, etc., and you're welcome to join us! |
Owain Williams 93155358 owainwilliams@yahoo.com or Scott Morrison 93491522 scott@morrison.fl.net.au. |
25 August 2001 | Rogaine - Lake Macquarie A 6/12 hour rogaine |
Adrian Smith adrian.smith@student.unsw.edu.au. |
27 October 2001 - 28 October 2001 | NSW Rogaining Championships - Southern Highlands A 12/24 hour rogaine |
Adrian Smith adrian.smith@student.unsw.edu.au. |
25 November 2001 | Socialgaine - South of Newcastle A 6 hour 'social' rogaine |
Adrian Smith adrian.smith@student.unsw.edu.au. |
Full trips list for 2001 is also available on the webpage.