Solistice Silliness

As heathen, sun-god worshiping outdoors folk, the contracted daylight hours of the imminent winter solstice starts to make us all go a little bit silly. Over the past few years, there has been a burgeoning tradition of club members reveling in their silliness on the day our favourite deity reaches its most northern exposure. Memorable silliness-ness expeditions have included mid-winter ledge parties in the Grose Valley, winter solstice canyoning trips which have resulted in benightings in the snow (Steve Hare, 2013)  and the infamous (although not really UNSWOC) Freezefest.

My question to you is, how do you plan to celebrate your solstice sillyness this June 21st?

Winter Solstice

A big thank you to Bayu Sadewo for drawing the amazing graphic you can see above.